
The genres of music

Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

The genres of music

Music has many types or genres. Music is one of the arts whose medium is sounds and silence. Moreover, another definition of it is the science of combing sound in an artful manner that's pleasing to the ear and stimulating to the emotions. It can be divided into many types. Firstly, traditional music, it is a music which born in certain area and mostly following by traditional instrument. Moreover, it has unique lyric and melody which taken by the language from the local area itself. Secondly, metal music is one of the music which has been known to all over the world. This kind of music is lyrically about self-expression, frustration and rebellion of young generation which followed by the hard rhythm. However, this era metal music has many types or genres, such as, death metal, doom metal, folk metal, glam metal, heavy metal, industrial metal, metal core, neoclassical metal, nu metal, power metal and progressive metal. Thirdly, country music, it is the traditional country music influenced by blues and it is growing of white American culture, especially in the city of Nashville. Some of the early country artist Merle Haggard and Buck is Owens. Moreover, the most popular this day is Taylor swift. Next, classical music, in its original sense classical music is a musical composition that was born of European culture around A.D 1750-1825. Furthermore, it is usually classified by a certain periodicity which ranging from the classical period that followed by the baroque, Rococo, and romantic. In this era appear the big names like Bach, Mozart, or Haydn who’s produced works of sonatas, symphonies, solo concertos, string quartets, to the opera. In fact, the classical composers are never classifying the type of their creation. Therefore, the classification that we know right now is only to make easy especially for the academic interest. Finally, the last one is popular music or pop music. It is the one of genre of music which may become the most popular then the others type of it. Many people like it due to its easy listening and has commercial lyric and suitable for all ages. it is also became the reason why Music Television(MTV) was created. In brief, the type of music has been classified due to its melody and rhythm. Moreover, with the different streams of music, people can be more expressive to choose what type of music they prefer according to their personality.

Type of paragraph: Definition paragraph 

AIDS as the Deadly Disease in Human being's History

AIDS as the Deadly Disease in Human beings History

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by many factors and become one of the deadly diseases in human being’s history. AIDS was first reported on 5th of June in 1981, when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) noted a cluster of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. This disease is caused by many factors. The first, it caused by sexul transmission which is occurs by skin contact between sexual secretions of one person to the mucous membrane of the rectum from the genitals or the mouth. The second, it is Exposure to blood borne pathogens which caused by Sharing needles. In addition, this case caused one and third of all new HIV infections in North America, China, and Eastern Europe. The next, Virus transmission from mother to child can occur in uteri during the last weeks of pregnancy and childbirth. Furthermore, in the absence of treatment, the rate of transmission between mother and child during pregnancy, labor and delivery is 25%. In contrast, whether the mother takes antiretroviral therapy and giving birth by Caesarean section then the transmission rate is only 1%. On the other hand, AIDS was claimed as the cause of the death of two million and four hundred thousand people in 2005 that more than five hundred and seventy thousand of whom are children. Dramatic developments are taking place in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In the last 10 years, the number of people who infected with HIV virus jumped 250% to 1.5 million people. Russia and Ukraine are experiencing the growth of AIDS is most vulnerable with the increase in the number of infected people, which reached 90%. South Africa is the first country which has large number of AIDS victim which counts among five million and six hundred thousand people are infected. To conclude, Although the virus is classified as a dangerous and deadly, it does not mean someone who is infected with HIV do not have the opportunity to live long like other healthy people. Early detection and proper treatment can increase the chance of longer life for those living with HIV. Nevertheless, the majority of deaths from AIDS patients it is too late to know if they contracted by this disease. In 2010 alone there are six hundred and eighty people who died from AIDS, and two-thirds of them died due to late diagnosis.

Type of paragraph: Cause and Effect Paragraph..: )

The equity of education in Indonesia

The equity of education in Indonesia

Indonesia’s education goverment should apply the equity of education in all areas in Indonesia. Indonesia as developing country has many troubles to manage the high standard of education; moreover, about the equity itself. The biggest trouble comes from the government who always focuses their attention in the school which located in strategic areas or in the city. Therefore, the schools which located in hinterland or far away from central government are always ruled out. In addition, the education system in Indonesia has always adapted to the conditions of the existing political and bureaucratic. On the other hand, it is not a major problem in improving the quality of education. The important thing to do is how the field implementation including lack of educational equity and particularly in isolated areas. The equity of education in Indonesia is very important to improve the human resources. So, toward the equity of education which is effective and comprehensive, we need to know some of the fundamental problems that against our education sector. To solve those problems we have to concerning the constraints of capacity, infrastructure facilities, the lack of teachers, the conventional learning process, and the lack of funding or budgetary. Firstly, the limitation of capacity is very influential in the process of educational equity. For instance, many schools are having unbalance capacity by the number of student who accepted. As a result, the learning process becomes less than the maximum, because the quota of students in one class is still in large number.  Whereas, in developed countries like Australia only educates about twenty students in one class. Therefore, whether we have to compare that the quota of students in Indonesia in the same class is a double that of Australia. Secondly, the lack of funding is also being the crucial one to apply the equity of education. The lack the government provide the funding the more limited facilities for learning in the school. As a result, the student cannot learn effectively without complete facilities and the teacher would always use the conventional method to teach them. In conclusion, Indonesia’s education government should pay attention more to the schools which placed in isolated area in order to make the equity of education are balanced. However, Educational equity cannot be realized without the any cooperation from various parties, both government and society. So, whether the aim is reached the Indonesia’s human resources would get increase and would get easier to improve the nation become developed country.

 Type of paragraph : argumentative paragraph

Analyzing the state symbol of Indonesia (linguistic assignment )

Senin, 09 April 2012

The study of language subject  we also deal with   ideogram as our material in this second semester . Oxford dictionary definition said that the ideogram is a symbol used in writing system that represent the idea, rather than the sound forming the name of a thing . and from web search  An ideogram or ideograph (from Greek ἰδέα idea "idea" + γράφω grafo "to write") is a graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept. Some ideograms are comprehensible only by familiarity with prior convention; others convey their meaning through pictorial resemblance to a physical object
why  did i choose  Analyzing the state symbol of Indonesia  ? Because, I realize that almost  the  citizen of Indonesia do not  know or forget what  the real meaning of our state symbol  . We know if we have short knowledge about our symbol of state it will give little effect in understanding our country which in the fact has a great moral message from the symbol means. To summarize up the reasons which be mentioned above, I decide to choose it or analyze it as my title to fulfill my final project in Linguistic subject.

Analyzing the state symbol of Indonesia  

We all  knew  what is the symbol of our country ,are not we ? Yes, the Garuda  bird. But, perhaps still a lot of curiosity, why we never find it in the zoo.
Garuda bird is similar to an eagle. But the eagle is a fictional character which is exists only in the world of puppets or fairy tale. The figure of Garuda  appears in the epic Ramayana and Garudeya story.
How is the short history why it is become a symbol of our country?
Both the Garuda and the eagle are a mighty bird that is often used as a symbol of the state. Since 1989 for example,   Jakarta set bondol eagle as a symbol of Jakarta City ,there are also Haliaetus leucocephalus eagle or hawk which is  became a symbol of the United States  because of his mighty, and it big size.
 In Europe there is also a white-tailed sea eagle. His body is more muscular, with a wing expanse of 2.5 m.  the flap of his wing has a tremendous power.  he was hunting prey, it flies without wings flap. From the high ground, he spun round and round, then dived rapidly .toward the prey as he thrust forward his  nail.because of his Greatness pushed the Germans to chose the white-tailed sea eagle as a symbol of the country, until now
The story of valor and white-tailed sea eagle that had spread to the west coast of India. His courageous to reattack the enemy also spreated by poet of India in the past .So, in their stories they make, eagles also appear as ResiGaruda.
According to the story, the Garuda is a vehicle commonly used by Batara Vishnu.
From this Indian myth, the javaness poet Dharmawansa Anantawikrama Uttunggadewa knew and spreaded the name of the eagle in East Java in 991-1016 ,Although they did not see the own form of the bird, they had imagined and immortalize it as relief tample of Kedaton and Kidal.
And it really immortalize as Arca Airlangga (the anchestri of wisnu)in Belahan tample.
since the proclamation the independence of Indonesia in 1945 Garuda  is depicted as a whole  . His head was turned to the right like all other countries eagle emblem , But, he carried a shield containing the emblems of Pancasila, the amount of his  feather swing are 17, his  tail feathers are 8, the tail feathers under shield are 19, and the small feathers on his neck are 45,
This is very precise with the independence day of Republic of Indonesia, his feet extend the benner of javaness ancient "Bhineka Tunggal Ika", which means unity in diversity
(from many sourching)*
Ø  The shield that put like necklase it is simbolize as the fortress of Indonesi .On this shield contains five symbols which each symbol represents the precepts of the "basic state" ideology.(Pancasila).
v  The center ,there are five-angled star symbol that symbolizes the first precepts of “Belief in the one and only God”.Star emblem is intended as a light like a God who became a light for human spirituality.While the black background it symbolizes the natural or original color , which shows that God is not just a human invention but the source of everything and has been there before all things in this world exists.
v  In the  right bottom there is a chain that symbolizes the second precepts of Pancasila “Just and civilized humanity”. The chain consists of a rectangular-shaped chain and ring which relate to each other in a circle. Rectangular chain symbolizes male, while the circle symbolizes women.The Interrelated chain which also symbolizes that every human being, male and female, need each other and need to unite to become strong like a chain.
v  At the top right there is a picture of banyan tree that symbolizes the thirth  precepts  of Pancasila  “TheUnity of Indonesia “, the  banyan tree is used because it is a big tree where many people can take shelter under of it ,  Like all the people of Indonesia can "shelter" under the auspices of the Indonesian state .In addition, the banyan tree has shoots and roots that spread everywhere, but still come from the same tree, as well as ethnic diversity united in the name of Indonesia.
v  Then, on the left top is a picture of the bull's head that symbolizes the fourth  precepts of Pancasila “Led by the wisdom of populist policies in the Consultative and Representative. The  bull's head is used because it is social animals who like gathering by each other, as well as meetings where people have gathered to discuss something.

v  The left bottom there are  rice and cotton which symbolize the five precepts of Pancasila “Social Justice For All people of Indonesia” Rice and cotton are used because it is a basic need of every human being ,as like food and clothing as the main requirement, to achieve the prosperity which is the main destination for these fifth precepts.
v  On the shield there is a thick black line across the middle shield ,That line represents the equator who cross through the territory of Indonesia. Red and white that become the background on the shield it is Indonesia's national colors, , which is also the color of the flag of Indonesia. The red  symbolizes bravery, while white symbolizes purity.
At the bottom"Unity in Diversity" which was written with Latin letters, which is the motto of the Indonesian state  of the Garuda Pancasila, there are gripped by a white ribbon, that reads
“ BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA “  is a word in the Old Javanese language which means "unity in diversity”. These words were taken from the MPU Tantular Kakimpoi Sutasoma essay, a poet from the kingdom of Majapahit in the 14th century. That Words are  describe the unity and integrity of Indonesian nation which consisting of many islands, race, tribe, nation, customs, culture, language, and religion.

every symbols that include as ideogram which every symbols meaning refer to our background knowledge than every symbols have own meaning that related to it symbol and history of it determination.
When I knew or after finding out more clearly the meaning of Garuda symbol and all of symbols in it, they have close meaning with the function of the thing which have been illustration as a symbol and the history of the symbol is very suitable
After reading or analyze the means of the symbol can increase our nationalism as the citizen of Indonesia.

  NOTE : This is my assignment when i was in second semester of college.So,I didn't know how to write correctly and how to apply the correct grammar or stuff .i will not edit it so that i can know the improvement of my skill in writing and grammar.